Install Oracle

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Fusion Metadata Registry (FMR) needs an operating database to store the structural metadata, configuration settings and other operating information like audit logs. MySQL, Oracle and SQL Server are supported. If you already have one of those services available, use that and simply create a new schema for FMR to use.

For those without an existing database service, the rest of this guide explains how to install and configure Oracle on Windows.

Oracle JDBC Driver

Driver Requirements

FMR supports the ‘ojdbc8’ Thin JDBC Driver with Java JRE / JDK versions 1.8 or 1.10.

Note that JRE 1.9 is not supported.

The driver consists of a single ‘jar’ file: ‘ojdbc8.jar’.

The ‘jar’ file is not included as part of the FMR distribution so must be obtained and installed separately prior to starting the application.

‘ojdbc8.jar’ can be downloaded from Oracle using the following link (accurate at the timne of writing this article). Downlaod Oracle odbc8.jar.

Driver Installation

The ‘ojdbc8.jar’ must be placed in the Java CLASSPATH.

The recommended option is to add the filesystem location of the ‘ojdbc8.jar’ to the CLASSPATH of the application server. If using Apache Tomcat, this can be done by setting the CLASSPATH environment in the Tomcat ~/bin/ script.

For example:


..where /home/oracle/jdbc is the directory containing the ‘ojdbc8.jar’ file.