Use the Web Services Page to build queries on Structures

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The Web Services page allows you to use the on-screen options to build a Query URL. The query URL can be used for a variety of purposes and more detail can be found in the Web Services User Guide. This article concentrates on using this page to retrieve and submit structures.

As selections are made from the options, you will notice that the URL will change. The URL can also be manipulated manually by adding other path parameters as detailed in the Web Services User Guide however some useful examples are shown later in this article.

Web Services - Structures Page


Structure Type

Clicking the dropdown will display a list of all possible structures. The last option on the list is All Structures which should be used with caution depending on the size of the Registry.


Clicking the dropdown will display a list of all the Agencies in the Registry. The first option on the list is All Agencies which should be used with caution depending on the on the size of the Registry and the Structure Type selected above.


The default is Latest but it is possible to choose All or to select a specific Version Number too.

Structure Format

The Structure Format and Structure Sub-Format dropdown messages display the options available. For structures which are not part of the SDMX 2.1 Standards, Fusion-JSON can be used.

Pretty Print XML

The output produced will use an indented style which makes it easier to view.


Option Description
Full (Default) The structures will be output in full (including any referenced structures)
All Stubs Instead of full, the output will be embedded as “stubs” that contain the reference from where the structures can be retrieved.
Reference Stubs The selected structure(s) will be output if full with and referenced structures as stubs.
Reference Partial Outputs the full query result and any referenced Codelists, Concept Schemes, Agency Schemes are returned as partial lists based on the Codes, Concepts, and Agencies used by the referencing Provision Agreements, Dataflows, Data Structures, Hierarchical Codelists. Partial Codelists are derived from Content Constraints used to define allowable content for data reporting.


Option Description
None (Default) No additional structures will be output
Parents Will output structures the reference the structures matching the query
Parents and Siblings Same as parents, but also include all the additional structures referenced by the parents
Children Will output the structures referenced by the structures in the query result
Descendants Will output children and their children (up to any level)
All All of the above

Query URL

This displays the URL based on the selections that you have made. You can also add parameters, an example of which is shown in the table below.

You can now copy this URL (for example if you wanted to obtain structures from another registry) and use it as you wish (for example to load the structures into your Registry using the Load via URL option).

You can also select Open URK, which will display the result in a new browser tab or downloads the resulting file (for example to load the structures into your Registry using the Load via File option).

Useful Parameters

Multiple Versions

+ Operator URL
Use this to obtain a number of versions as shown in the example which is a request for versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 of a specific Codelist http://localhost:8085/FusionRegistry/ws/public/sdmxapi/rest/codelist/MY_AGENCY/CL_AREAS/1.0+1.1+1.2/?format=sdmx-2.1&detail=full&references=none

The REST API Overview provides a good general introduction covering support for the standard SDMX REST API and extended REST functions.