Registry Properties File

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The Registry properties file contains the connection details to the Fusion Metadata Registry database. The database password is encrypted, however other properties such as database platform and schema are in clear text.

Whilst the properties file can be modified directly, it is recommended to use the Registry User Interface to administer all registry settings.

File Location

Whilst all of the installation is performed via the Web User Interface, database connection details are stored in a local properties file.

Unlike previous versions of the Registry it is recommended that you do not modify the values in this file, as all settings are configured via the web User Interface.

The properties file is only read at start-up and changing any of the values in the Registry properties file whilst the Registry is running will have no effect.

The properties file is called:
Versions 10 and earlier

Version 11

Fusion Metadata Registry will attempt to save a new properties file to the directory:
<user home>\MetadataTechnology\FusionRegistry

Therefore, on a Windows 7 Operating System this will typically be: C:\users\<your user name>\MetadataTechnology\FusionRegistry

Whereas on a Unix Operating System, it is more likely to be located at: /users/<your user name>/MetadataTechnology/FusionRegistry

If you are running Tomcat as a Windows service, then the Home directory is likely to be: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile

And the file is likely to be located at: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\MetadataTechnology\FusionRegistry

On Fusion Metadata Registry start-up the Registry will search for a Properties file in this order:
1. The location explicitly set in an environment variable
2. The default location as described above
3. If all else fails, the location will revert to [tomcat]/WEB-INF/classes/

If you are unsure about which of the files Fusion Metadata Registry is using to obtain system information, please look at the start-up log in your web application server. There will be entries like the following:

INFO localhost-startStop-1 org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer - Loading properties file from class path resource []
INFO localhost-startStop-1 org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer - Loading properties file from URL [file:/C:/Users/<username>/FusionRegistry/]

File Contents

The file stores three pieces of information:

  1. Database connection details
  2. Directory to use to store temporary files
  3. Root user credentials

The file looks like this in Version 10

#Modified on Fri Mar 27 07:58:12 GMT 2020
#Fri Mar 27 07:58:12 GMT 2020

The file looks like this in Version 11

#Modified on Tue Dec 14 13:42:46 GMT 2021
#Tue Dec 14 13:42:46 GMT 2021

Passwords are encrypted using AES-256 encryption.

Values can be directly modified in the properties file, however an application restart is required for these changes to take effect. The Fusion Registry User Interface provides an Admin UI to modify any settings (including ones stored in the Registry database) and should be used over direct modification to the file if possible.

What Happens if the properties file is deleted?

If the properties file is deleted, fear not. On application server restart, the Fusion Registry will redirect to the Install wizard. Upon entering the connection details to the database that was previously used, the Registry will detect it is already installed and redirect to the home page. If the database connection is to a new database, then the remainder of the install wizard should be completed to re-install the product.