Audit Web Service
The Audit web service can be used to query for audited events in the Fusion Metadata Registry
Querying Audits
Returns a JSON Array of all of the structures in the Registry, filterable by parameter.
Entry Point | /ws/secure/audit/searchAudits |
Access | Restricted (Agency and Admin users only) |
Http Method | GET |
Response Format | application/json (array of objects) see #Audit JSON |
Response Statuses | 200 - Query Ok
HTTP Query Parameters
If no parameters are supplied the last 500 audited events are returned
Request Parameter | Purpose |
dateFrom | The earliest audit event to return. The value must be specified as the epoch time in milliseconds (e.g. 1609459200000 is the start of the year 2021). |
dateTo | The latest audit event to return. The value must be specified as the epoch time in milliseconds (e.g. 1609459200000 is the start of the year 2021). |
max | The maximum number of audits to return, must be a positive integer, the default is 500 if not specified |
type | The category of audit:
orderDesc | true to order by time descending order, false to order ascending. The default output is that Transactions are returned in a descending order (most recent first) |
user | username of the user that caused the audit event |
Query the Audit event for a Transaction
This web service is used to obtain a specific audit event for a transaction (a transaction is where the Registry updates either structural metadata, or a data registration).
Entry Point | /ws/secure/audit/getDetailsByTransactionId |
Access | Restricted (Agency and Admin users only) |
Http Method | GET |
Response Format | application/json see #Audit JSON |
Response Statuses | 200 - Query Ok
HTTP Query Parameters
Request Parameter | Purpose |
txId | The transaction ID (see the RSS feed) |
Download the Logs event for a Transaction
This web service is used to obtain a the log events for a transaction (a transaction is where the Registry updates structural metadata).
Entry Point | /ws/secure/audit/downloadLogsForTransaction |
Access | Restricted (Agency and Admin users only) |
Http Method | GET |
Response Format | application/octet-stream |
Response Statuses | 200 - Query Ok
HTTP Query Parameters
Request Parameter | Purpose |
txId | The transaction ID (see the RSS feed) |
Download the Logs event for an Audit event
This web service is used to obtain a the log events for a transaction (a transaction is where the Registry updates structural metadata).
Entry Point | /ws/secure/audit/downloadLogsForAudit |
Access | Restricted (Agency and Admin users only) |
Http Method | GET |
Response Format | application/octet-stream |
Response Statuses | 200 - Query Ok
HTTP Query Parameters
Request Parameter | Purpose |
uid | The unique audit Id (UID) see #Audit_JSON |
Audit JSON
Each audit event is output a JSON Object which contains the following information
{ "UID": "52731504-0273-4f5c-a9e6-bb64bfd27574", "Type": "Data Query", "ServerName": "", "VMID": "12b597ceb123456:1c12c34:123bc3bfe61:-8000", "MachineId": "ip-11-2-3-44internal/", "ServerContext": "/FusionRegistry", "ServletPath": "/ws/public/sdmxapi/rest", "ServerPort": 443, "PathInfo": "/data/WB,WDI_POVERTY,1.0", "Parameters": "format=sdmx-json", "Protocol": "HTTP/1.1", "AcceptHeaders": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01", "AcceptLanguage": "en", "SubmissionMethod": "GET", "HttpResponseStatus": 200, "RequestTime": 1615821933116, "Duration": 6, "Username": "anonymous", "RequestIP": "", "ProductVersion": "10.6.6", "UserAgent": "Chrome/89.0.4389.82 Safari/537.36", "BrowserName": "Chrome", "BrowserVersion": "89", "OS": "Windows 10" }