Backup and Restore

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Revision as of 07:07, 8 September 2022 by Mnelson (talk | contribs) (Creating a Backup)
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From FMR 11.3.0 it is possible to install the product from a backup of a previous version of the FMR. In order to make use of this feature, a Command Line application (FRCL) is used to create a backup from a running FMR instance. On installation of FMR 11.3.0 or later, the installation process will enable the FMR to load the backup to restore the state.

Creating a Backup

The backup process requires the FMRCL Command Line Application, which can be downloaded from the tools page:

The command line application creates the backup by issuing requests to the web services of a running FMR instance. The requests must be run as an admin user (or as the root user). The output of a backup request is a folder which contains subfolder(s)/files.

== Example Usage ==


./ -o Backup  -u root -p password -url "http://localhost:8080/FMR"


backup.bat -o Backup -u root -p password  -url "http://localhost:8080/FMR"
== Parameters ==
Argument Description Example
o The output directory that the backup will be written to -o Backup/Jan
u Username to authenticate with FMR -u root
p Password to authenticate with FMR -p password
url URL of running FMR instance -url http://localhost:8080/FMR

Included in the Backup

The backup contains:

  • current (live) structural metadata from the FMR.
  • a history of the structural metadata edits
  • the related audit entries for the structure metadata edits

Restoring from a Backup

A backup is restored during the FMR 11 installation process. The FMR 11 install wizard provides the option to include the path on the local file system to the backup folder (or a zip file). If the backup is being provided as a zip file, the contents of the backup folder must be zipped, the zip should NOT include the root backup folder itself. For example if the -o argument to the FMRCL application is Backups/BackupFeb, the zip should be created from within the BackupFeb folder, the zip should not include the BackupFeb folder.

The time taken to complete the restore process depends on the number and size of the transactions that were backed up. The install wizard will report the process of the restore after the 'Finish' button has been clicked. It is possible to close the web browser during the restore process, this will not lead to the restore being cancelled, however it is recommended to keep the web browser page open and not navigate away, as it will not be possible to view the restore process once the page has be closed or moved. The install wizard will redirect to the FMR overview page once the restoration and installation is complete.

The restore can only be run once, it will not be possible to re-run a restore if there was an error during the restoring of state. The restore can only run against a clean (empty) database schema and as such can only be run on install.

It is strongly recommended to check the FMR tomcat log files after a restore is complete, to ensure all transactions were successfully restored. It is possible for the restore to complete even if some transactions or audits could not be fully restored - the tomcat log files will contain details if this is the case.