RSS Feed

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The Fusion Metadata Registry maintains an RSS feed of any structural activity. Each RSS entry represents a transaction in the Fusion Registry and following the link will open a SDMX version 2.1 Registry Interface Document containing the contents of the information submitted in the transaction.

To view the RSS feed, navigate to the URL:


or alternatively, click on the orange RSS icon that can be found at the bottom right of most pages.

The RSS feed shows all events that have occurred in the past 24 hours. If there are no events in that time period, then the last 5 events are listed.

RSS Item

For each RSS Item the following information is supplied

title The title of the item which includes the Transaction Item
link A direct link to the Transaction.
guid A direct link to the Transaction.
description The SDMX action that was performed in this Transaction.
encoded A repeat of the description in mixed case.
pubDate The date and time in GMT that the Transaction was performed by the Registry. This is in human readable form.
date The date and time in GMT that the Transaction was performed by the Registry. This is in 1SO-8601.
transactionsAdded A list of the URNs of the structural metadata that was added in the Transaction. This is semi-colon delimited.
transactionsModified A list of the URNs of the structural metadata that was modified in the Transaction. This is semi-colon delimited.
transactionsDeleted A list of the URNs of the structural metadata that was deleted in the Transaction. This is semi-colon delimited.

An example is shown below, which depicts a Replace action in which one codelist was added (CL_DECIMALS) and two codelists were modified (CL_FREQ and CL_TIME_FORMAT)

  <title>Transaction #959 Structure Submission</title>
  <pubDate>Tue, 31 Mar 2020 23:59:59 GMT</pubDate>