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Line 376: Line 376:
<p>The following table shows the file size, and validation duration for each data format</p>
<p>The following table shows the file size, and validation duration for each data format</p>
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Data Format !! File Size <br/>Uncompressed!! File Size <br/>Zipped !! Syntax Validation <br/>(seconds) !! Data Consolidation<br/>(seconds) !! Validate Dataset<br/>(seconds) !! Total Duration<br/>(seconds)
! Data Format !! File Size <br/>Uncompressed!! File Size <br/>Zipped !! Syntax Validation <br/>(seconds) !! Data Consolidation<br/>(seconds) !! Validate Dataset<br/>(seconds) !! Total Duration<br/>(seconds)

Revision as of 02:42, 15 February 2020


The Fusion Registry is able to validate datasets for which there is a Dataflow present in the Registry.

Data Validation is split into 3 high level validation process:

  1. Syntax Validation - is the syntax of the dataset correct
  2. Duplicates - format agnostic process of rolling up duplicate series and obs
  3. Syntax Agnostic Validation - does the dataset contain the correct content


Data Validation can either be performed via the web User Interface of the Fusion Registry, or by POSTing data directly to the Fusion Registries' data validation web service.

Syntax Validation

Syntax Validation refers to validaiton of the reported dataset in terms of the file syntax. If the dataset is in SDMX-ML then this will ensure the XML is formatted correctly, and the XML Elements and XML Attributes are as expected. If the dataset is in Excel Format (propriatory to the Fusion Registry) then these checks will ensure the data complies with the expected Excel format.

Duplicates Validation

Part of the validation process is the consolidation of a dataset. Consolidation refers to ensuring any duplicate series are 'rolled up' into a single series. This process is important for data formats such as SDMX-EDI, where the series and observation attributes are reported at the end of a dataset, after all the observation values have been reported.

Example: Input Dataset Unconsolidated

Frequency Reference Area Indicator Time Observation Value Observation Note
A UK IND_1 2009 12.2 -
A UK IND_1 2010 13.2 -
A UK IND_1 2009 - A Note

After Consolidation:

Frequency Reference Area Indicator Time Observation Value Observation Note
A UK IND_1 2009 12.2 A Note
A UK IND_1 2010 13.2 -

The above consolidation process does not report the duplicate as an error, as the duplicate is not reporting contradictory information, it is supplying extra information. If the dataset were to contain two series with contradictory observation values, or attributes, then this would be reported as a duplication error

Example: Duplicate error for the observation value reported for 2009

Frequency Reference Area Indicator Time Observation Value Observation Note
A UK IND_1 2009 12.2 -
A UK IND_1 2010 13.2 -
A UK IND_1 2009 12.3 A Note

Syntax Agnostic Validation

Syntax Agnostic Validation is where the majority of the data validation process happens. Like the name suggests, the validation is syntax agnostic, and therefore the same validation rules and processes are applied to all datasets, regardless of the format the data was uploaded in.

This validation process makes use of a single Validation Manager and multiple Validation Engines. The validation manager walks the contents of the dataset (Series and Observations) in a streaming fasion, and as each new Series or Observation is read in, it asks the same question to each registered Validation Engine - the question is "is this valid?".

An conceptual example of the Validation Manager delegating validation questions to each Validation Engine in turn


The purpose of a Validation Engine is to perform ONE type of validation, this allows configuration of each validation engine as a seperate entity, and new validation engines can be easily added to the product if there is a new type of validation rule to implement. Validation Engines can be switched off, or have a different level of error reporting set, validation engines can also have a error limit set, so that a single engine can be decommisioned from validating a particular dataset if it is reporting too many errors. In the validation report that is produced, the errors are grouped per validation engine.

The following table shows each validation engine and its purpose

Validation Type Validation Description
Structure Ensures the Dataset reports all Dimensions and does not include any additional Dimensions or Attributes
Representation Ensures the reported values for Dimensions, Attributes, and Observation values comply with the DSD
Mandatory Attributes Ensures all Attributes, as defined in the Data Structure Definition (DSD), are reported if they are marked as Mandatory
Constraints Ensures the reported values have not been disallowed due to Content Constraint definitions
Mathematical Rules Performs any mathematical calculations, defined in Validation Schemes, to ensure compliance
Frequency Match

Ensure the reported Frequency code matches the reported time period

Example: FREQ=A will expect time periods in format YYYY

Obs Status Match

Ensure observation values are in keeping with the Observation Status

Example: Missing Value, does not expect a value to be reported

Missing Time Period Ensures the Series has no holes in the reported time periods

Web Service


Entry Point /ws/public/data/validate
Access Public (default). Configurable to Private
Http Method POST
Accepts CSV, XLSX, SDMX-ML, SDMX-EDI (any format for which there is a Data Reader)
Compression Zip files supported, if loading from URL gzip responses supported

1. multipart/form-data (if attaching file) – the attached file must be in field name of uploadFile

2. application/text or application/xml (if submitting data in the body of the POST)

Response Format application/json
Response Statuses

200 - Validation could be performed

400 - Validation could not be performed (either an unreadable dataset, or unresolvable reference to a required structure)

401 - Unauthorized (if access has been restricted)

500 - Server Error

HTTP Headers

HTTP Header Purpose Allowed Values
Data-Format Used to inform the server when the data is in CSV format. csv;delimiter=[delimiter]

Where [delimiter] is either:

  • comma
  • tab
  • semicolon
  • space

(optional) Provides the structure to validate the data against.

This is optional as this information may be present in the header of the DataSet. If provided this value will override the value in the dataset (if present).

Valid SDMX URN for Provision Agreement, Dataflow, or Data Structure Definition

(Since v9.8)

Optional. Includes metrics on the validation.

This will add extra detail to the validation report.

Boolean (true/false)

(Since v9.8)

Optional. Instructs the service to include a dataset with all the valid series and observations in the response.

As the result will contain a separate file for the dataset, the response format will be set to either multipart/mixed message with a boundary per file, or if the Zip header is set to true, the output will be a single zip file.

The file is called ValidData with the file extension based on the output format.

Boolean (true/false)

(Since v9.8)

Optional. Instructs the service to include a dataset with all the invalid series and observations in the response.

As the result will contain a separate file for the dataset, the response format will be set to either multipart/mixed message with a boundary per file, or if the Zip header is set to true, the output will be a single zip file.

The file is called InvalidData with the file extension based on the output format.

Boolean (true/false)

(Since v9.8)

Optional. Instructs the service which data output format to output the valid or invalid datasets in.

This Header is only used if Inc-Valid or Inc-Invalid are set to true.

See Accept formats for REST Data Query

(Since v9.8)

Optional. Compresses the output as a zip file. If used in conjunction with Inc-Valid or Inc-Invalid the zip will contain multiple files. Boolean (true/false)

(Since v9.8)

Optional. This allows data to be validated under the assumption that other data will provide missing information. If this value is set to true, particular data validators will not be used when validating the data. These validators are "Mandatory Observations" and "Valid Calculations".

Default value is false.

Boolean (true/false)


The validation output contains both human readable error descriptions, as well as machine processible locations of the errors within the dataset. The location in the dataset is described as a key or observation locator in the format; A:UK:M:2008 – where each component relates to the Dimension value, separated by a colon. If the error position is observation, the last part of the key is the observation time period.

There are 3 types of output that can be produced which share a common structure: unable to parse input(returns HTTP 400); able to parse input but references invalid data structure (returns HTTP 200); parsed input and returns output, which may have validation errors (return HTTPS 200). Below are examples of each:

Valid Dataset

 "Meta": {
   "RequestTime": 1564410081711,
   "Duration": 43
 "FileFormat": "Structure Specific (Compact) v2.1",
 "Prepared": "2019-07-29T10:23:01",
 "SenderId": "FR_DEMO",
 "DataSetId": null,
 "Status": "Complete",
 "Errors": false,
 "Datasets": [
     "DSD": "urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.datastructure.DataStructure=OECD:HIGH_AGLINK_2011(1.0)",
     "Dataflow": "urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.datastructure.Dataflow=OECD:AGRIC_OUTLOOK_2011_2020(1.0)",
     "DataProvider": "urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.base.DataProvider=METATECH:DATA_PROVIDERS(1.0).METATECH",
     "ProvisionAgreement": "urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.registry.ProvisionAgreement=OECD:OECD_AGRIC_OUTLOOK(1.0)",
     "KeysCount": 2,
     "ObsCount": 62,
     "GroupsCount": 0,
     "Errors": false
     "ReportedPeriods": {
     "A": {
         "Name": "Annual",
         "StartPeriod": "1990",
         "EndPeriod": "2020"
 "PreventsConversion": false,
 "PreventsPublication": false

Dataset with Errors

 "Meta": {
   "RequestTime": 1564401209760,
   "Duration": 34
 "InvalidData": {
   "Datasets": [
       "Structure": "urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.registry.ProvisionAgreement=OECD:OECD_AGRIC_OUTLOOK(1.0)",
       "Series": 2,
       "Observations": 61,
       "Groups": 0
 "ValidData": {
   "Datasets": [
       "Structure": "urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.registry.ProvisionAgreement=OECD:OECD_AGRIC_OUTLOOK(1.0)",
       "Series": 2,
       "Observations": 32,
       "Groups": 0
 "FileFormat": "Structure Specific (Compact) v2.1",
 "Prepared": "2019-07-29T10:23:01",
 "SenderId": "FR_DEMO",
 "DataSetId": null,
 "Status": "Complete",
 "Errors": true,
 "Datasets": [
     "DSD": "urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.datastructure.DataStructure=OECD:HIGH_AGLINK_2011(1.0)",
     "Dataflow": "urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.datastructure.Dataflow=OECD:AGRIC_OUTLOOK_2011_2020(1.0)",
     "DataProvider": "urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.base.DataProvider=METATECH:DATA_PROVIDERS(1.0).METATECH",
     "ProvisionAgreement": "urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.registry.ProvisionAgreement=OECD:OECD_AGRIC_OUTLOOK(1.0)",
     "KeysCount": 3,
     "ObsCount": 93,
     "GroupsCount": 0,
     "ReportedPeriods": {
       "A": {
              "Name": "Annual",
              "StartPeriod": "1990",
              "EndPeriod": "2020"
     "Errors": true,
     "ValidationReport": [
         "Type": "Constraint",
         "Errors": [
             "Message": "Disallowed Dimension Value: REF_AREA=AFR",
             "Dataset": 0,
             "ComponentId": " REF_AREA ",
             "ReportedValue": "AFR",
             "Position": "Series",
             "Keys": ["AFR:BT:AA"]
         "Type": "Representation",
         "Errors": [
           "Message": "Dimension 'VARIABLE' is reporting value 'AA' which  is not a valid representation in referenced Codelist 'OECD:CL_HIGH_AGLINK_2011_VARIABLE(1.0)'",
           "Dataset": 0,
           "Position": "Series",              
           "ComponentId": "VARIABLE",
           "ReportedValue": "AA",
           "Keys": ["AFR:BT:AA"]
           "Message": "Error in Primary Measure 'OBS_VALUE': Reported value 'XXX' is not of expected type 'Double'",
           "Dataset": 0,              
           "ComponentId": " OBS_VALUE",
           "ReportedValue": "XXX",
           "Position": "Observation",
           "Keys": ["AFR:BT:IM:2010"]
         "Type": "FormatSpecific",
         "Errors": [
           "Message": "Unexpected attribute 'ASD' for element 'StructureSpecificData/DataSet/Series/Obs'",
           "Dataset": 0,
           "Position": "Dataset"
 "PreventsConversion": false,
 "PreventsPublication": true

Note the first three elements ‘Meta’, ‘InvalidData’, ‘ValidData’, there are present in the report if Inc-Metrics is set to true. Inc-valid and Inc-Invalid set to true enables the report to know the metrics for the invalid and valid data.

Note also each Error has a Type, this is the category of error which caused the validator to fail. For a list of all validators see the following section on Validators. The Error Position is either set to Dataset, Series, Observation, or Group.

PreventsConversion and PreventsPublication is an indication on the severity of the error. These settings on which errors prevent conversion and publication can be set in the Fusion Registry by the administrator of the system.

Dataset with an Unresolvable Datset Reference

  "FileFormat": "Generic v2.1",
  "MimeType": "application/xml",
  "Status": "InvalidRef",
  "Errors": true,
  "Datasets": [{"Dataflow": "urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.datastructure.Dataflow=BIS:INVALID_DATAFLOW(1.0)"}]

Errors has a value of true, the Status states InvalidRef, and the Datasets provides the reported reference which could not be resolved

Dataset which could not be read

  "Status": "Error",
  "Errors": true,
  "Error": "Unexpected '<' character in element (missing closing '>'?)\r\n at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [17,3]"

This error will be reported when the Fusion Registry is unable to determine what type of data the dataset is, so is unable to process the dataset for validation


The data format has some impact on performance time, as the time taken to perform the initial data read and syntax specific validation rules are format specific. After the initial checks are performed, an intermediary data format is used to perform consolidation and syntax agnositc checks. Therefore the performance of the data consolidation stage and syntax agnostic data validaiton is the same regardless of import format.

Considerations to take to optimise performance is

  • To reduce network traffic, upload the data file as a Zip
  • In the case the dataset is coming from a URL support gzip response
  • Use a fast hard drive to optimise I/O as temporary files will be used in the case of validating large datasets
  • Performance is dependant on CPU speed

When the server recieves a zip file, there is some overhead in unzipping the file, but this overhead is very small compare to the performance gains in network transfer times.

Tests have been carried out on a dataset with the following properties

Series 216,338
Observations 15,470,893
Dimensions 15
Datset Attributes 3
Observation Attributes 2

The following table shows the file size, and validation duration for each data format

Data Format File Size
File Size
Syntax Validation
Data Consolidation
Validate Dataset
Total Duration
SDMX Generic 2.1 3.6Gb 94Mb 165 37 57 312
SDMX Compact 2.1 1.1Gb 59Mb 84 37 57 251
SDMX JSON 362Mb 41Mb 65 36 58 224
SDMX CSV 1.3Gb 80Mb 71 36 58 240
SDMX EDI 153Mb 71Mb 68 36 58 230

Note 1: All times are rounded to the nearest second

Note 2: Total duration includes other processes which are not included in this table


Data Validation is by default a public service and as such a user can perform data validation with no authentication required. It is possible to change the security level in the Registry to either:

  • Require that a user is authenticated before they can perform ANY data validation
  • Require that a user is authenticated before they can perform data validation on a dataset obtained from a URL