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Fusion-JSON is a format used for Structural Metadata, Data, and Reference Metadata. The Fusion-JSON format was created before the SDMX-JSON format became a standard as so has a slightly different syntax. In addition the Fusion-JSON format is used for Structural Metadata that is supported by the Fusion Registry which is not a part of the official SDMX Specification. This includes:

Fusion-JSON Data


Fusion-JSON for data consists of three top-level nodes:

  • "header" - header information
  • "dataSets" - observation data consisting of a sequence of series keys together with observation values for each time period
  • "structure" - metadata for each of the dimensions and attributes in the dataset

Fusion-JSON is therefore self-describing in that it contains both the observation data and structural metadata needed to interpretet making it better suited for driving visualisations and user interfaces than SDMX-ML where the metadata needs to be retrieved separately.

The series keys do not follow the SDMX convention, rather following the form:


The numbers being indexes to the information in the "structure" section. Thus the first digit in the key 0:3:0:0:6 references the first dimension, and the first value in the list of values given for that dimension in the "structure" section. Indexing is zero based.

Fusion-JSON Structures