Audit Web Service

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The Audit web service can be used to query for audited events in the Fusion Metadata Registry

Querying Audits

Returns a JSON Array of all of the structures in the Registry, filterable by parameter.

Entry Point /ws/secure/audit/searchAudits
Access Restricted (Agency and Admin users only)
Http Method GET
Response Format application/json (array of objects) see #Audit JSON
Response Statuses

200 - Query Ok

HTTP Query Parameters

If no parameters are supplied the last 500 audited events are returned

Request Parameter Purpose
dateFrom The earliest audit event to return. The value must be specified as the epoch time in milliseconds (e.g. 1609459200000 is the start of the year 2021).
dateTo The latest audit event to return. The value must be specified as the epoch time in milliseconds (e.g. 1609459200000 is the start of the year 2021).
max The maximum number of audits to return, must be a positive integer, the default is 500 if not specified
type The category of audit:
  1. Structure Query
  2. Structure Submission
  3. Data Query
orderDesc true to order by time descending order, false to order ascending. The default output is that Transactions are returned in a descending order (most recent first)
user username of the user that caused the audit event

Query the Audit event for a Transaction

This web service is used to obtain a specific audit event for a transaction (a transaction is where the Registry updates either structural metadata, or a data registration).

Entry Point /ws/secure/audit/getDetailsByTransactionId
Access Restricted (Agency and Admin users only)
Http Method GET
Response Format application/json see #Audit JSON
Response Statuses

200 - Query Ok

HTTP Query Parameters

Request Parameter Purpose
txId The transaction ID (see the RSS feed)

Download the Logs event for a Transaction

This web service is used to obtain a the log events for a transaction (a transaction is where the Registry updates structural metadata).

Entry Point /ws/secure/audit/downloadLogsForTransaction
Access Restricted (Agency and Admin users only)
Http Method GET
Response Format application/octet-stream
Response Statuses

200 - Query Ok

HTTP Query Parameters

Request Parameter Purpose
txId The transaction ID (see the RSS feed)

Download the Logs event for an Audit event

This web service is used to obtain a the log events for a transaction (a transaction is where the Registry updates structural metadata).

Entry Point /ws/secure/audit/downloadLogsForAudit
Access Restricted (Agency and Admin users only)
Http Method GET
Response Format application/octet-stream
Response Statuses

200 - Query Ok

HTTP Query Parameters

Request Parameter Purpose
uid The unique audit Id (UID) see #Audit_JSON

Audit JSON

Each audit event is output a JSON Object which contains the following information

   "UID": "52731504-0273-4f5c-a9e6-bb64bfd27574",
   "Type": "Data Query",
   "ServerName": "",
   "VMID": "12b597ceb123456:1c12c34:123bc3bfe61:-8000",
   "MachineId": "ip-11-2-3-44internal/",
   "ServerContext": "/FusionRegistry",
   "ServletPath": "/ws/public/sdmxapi/rest",
   "ServerPort": 443,
   "PathInfo": "/data/WB,WDI_POVERTY,1.0",
   "Parameters": "format=sdmx-json",
   "Protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
   "AcceptHeaders": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
   "AcceptLanguage": "en",
   "SubmissionMethod": "GET",
   "HttpResponseStatus": 200,
   "RequestTime": 1615821933116,
   "Duration": 6,
   "Username": "anonymous",
   "RequestIP": "",
   "ProductVersion": "10.6.6",
   "UserAgent": "Chrome/89.0.4389.82 Safari/537.36",
   "BrowserName": "Chrome",
   "BrowserVersion": "89",
   "OS": "Windows 10"